AGOSA Year Reps Platform Made up of Executives
Presidents, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer
AGOSA is moving forward and progressing in the right direction. For a while now we’ve had a ‘whatsapp’ platform solely for year groups, this is working very well in keeping information in one place and for vibrant interactions to get things done very quickly. This platform is solely for matters concerning AGOSA and nothing else. The recent Home Coming was successful as a result of this outlet for year groups, it helped to cascade information very quickly, to aid decision making.
Below is the aim of the group.
The aim of this group is to have a platform where we can have reps from all year groups to support the dissemination of information and also membership drive. We will be sharing information for action and each rep will be expected to convey such messages to your year group members and to support them deliver any such actions. It will also be a platform where feedback and decisions from each year group can be shared so we have a two way communication. Look forward to us having a very vibrant and functional working group.
We are looking for the outstanding year groups below to be represented to ensure all AGOSANS are aware of the on coming elections and to assist with Campaigning during the elections for new EXECUTIVES.
We are looking for year groups:
70 | 89 | 91 | 2001 |
2002 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 |
2012 | 2013 | 2015 |
If you belong to the above year groups or know anyone belonging to this year group, please send me a message.
Greetings hard working and dynamic ladies.One of the duties of members here is to lobby our year groups to pay their yearly dues of GHS 1,000.
The following year groups are members in GOOD STANDING
1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1973 |
1975 | 1977 | 1978 | 1981 |
1982 | 1986 | 1987 | 1992 |
2005 | 2006 | 2016 |
Kudos ladies.Paid up members,please make sure your name has not been left out !!!!!!!
Linda Adjoa Holdbrook Amissah, Chairperson – AGOSA Electoral Commission, Chairperson Year 84/85