1. Thanksgiving/memorial service 19 January 2025

2. AGOSA Valentine’s/Chocolate Day in Frafraha Orphanage, 14th Jan. 25

3. ⁠MaxTV School Connect , 1st March 25


AGOSA representing AGSHS on ‘School Connect’ this Saturday on MaxTv @ 9:00 a.m

Find attached flyer for details.

AGISS! Aim High!


To watch the video click here

Thanksgiving & Prayer Service 28 January 2024

AGOSA Chocolaté Day, 14 February 2024

Extraordinary General Meeting ,11 February 2024

First Gathering of AGSHS Former Teachers, 7th February 2023 event: Click to see video

  1. Monthly AGOSA meetings
  2. May – Joint final year students’ church service cum presentation of completed projects by different year groups to mark an anniversary
  3. 30th June – Homecoming, organized walk, fun races and dance in the evening.
  4. October – Annual Speech & Prize Giving Day.
  5. December- Xmas Carols night
  6. November – Elections
  7. End of year Jam organized by the AGOSA national 2019
  8. 20 January -Hand-over and Swearing-in of new Executives
  1. Monthly AGOSA meetings
  2. May – Joint final year students’ church service cum presentation of completed projects by 
  3. different year groups to mark an anniversary)
  4. Induction of young graduates into AGOSA
  5. October – Annual Speech & Prize Giving Day.
  6. Launch of maiden AGOSA newsletter entitled “The Voice of AGOSA magazine (VAM)” during 57th Speech and Prize Giving Day.
  7. December- Xmas Carols night
  8. End of year Jam organized by the AGOSA national
  1. From 2016 a set of events began to shape up.
  2. Monthly AGOSA meetings
  3. May – Joint final year students’ church service cum presentation of completed projects by different year groups to mark an anniversary.
  4. October – Annual Speech & Prize Giving Day.
  5. December- Xmas Carols night
  6. End of year Jam organized by the AGOSA national

Dormant year

  1. Induction of young graduates into AGOSA
  2. Dinner-Dance in 2012
  3. First Maiden Thanksgiving
  4. Home coming
  5. Candle lit evening

Inauguration of AGOSA’s Executives -13 February 2011

Induction of Final Yr students into AGOSA 29 May 2011

Memorial and Thanksgiving Remembrance Day Service

Commission of a Gh¢6,000 Resograph by AGOSA

Members can get the 40th Anniversary cloth from the school, i.e. if you do not have the jubilee cloth. Contact Mrs. Mante, Asst Headmistress. GHC5.00 per yard

Motivational Talk By Distinguished AGOSANS, Venue: AGISS Assembly Hall, 22 June 2011 at 14:00

An AGOSA star Patricia OFORI just fell. She was playing football for the national team and this sent her to the US – continue reading:

The demise of an Agosan, Ellen Ashitey 84/85 has been reported.

We have lost Ms Jane Anna Ghartey. Remember her kids and family in your prayers. May

May their souls rest in perfect peace – Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Let’s come to the Memorial Service in our numbers and to pray together for ourselves. It could be anyone.

With the provision of five decades of quality education, the Accra Girls Senior High and AGOSA

lined up a number of activities to mark its 50th anniversary which began with a launch in October 2009.

The year-long celebration was on the theme & Sustaining Quality Girl-child Education, 50 years

beyond. The year-long event included a fun fair, games with sister schools, clean-up exercises at the

Dzorwulu Special School and Maamobi Polyclinic, a float through the principal streets of Accra, home-

coming for old girls, fun games for staff and old girls, a dinner dance and variety entertainment night,

which was climaxed with a Speech Day and a Thanksgiving Service in October 2010. Please find

below events and dates marking the golden jubilee celebrations, related diverse publications in

Ghanaian newspapers and last but the least, enjoy viewing the photos in the Photo Gallery.  AYEKOO


Fun fair – 13 March 2010

Fun Games (with sister Schools participating) 12 June 2010

Clean-up & Donation to Dzorwulu Special school – 19 June 2010

Jubilee Float – through principal streets of Accra – 26 June 2010

Homecoming of old girls – 21 October 2010

Jubilee Speech Day – 23 October 2010

Thanksgiving service – 24 October 2010

Dinner Dance – 30 October 2010

End of Year Meeting & Bring Your Bottle Get-Together. Venue: AGISS Assembly Hall, Sunday, 5 December 2010 from 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Launch of the Golden Jubilee Anniversary and its Cloth – 23 October 2009